Monday, August 25, 2008

A dangerous game of baseball

The roads in Korea are scary as they are, whether you are on a bus or in a cab you're likely to be jostled around in your seat because of the bumpy ride. How about adding a TV in the car into the equation? A lot of cab drivers have little flat-screens installed in their car, right up front in fact, so they don't miss a moment of the action. I was on my way to the center of town, and catching a cab seemed quicker than waiting for a bus. So I got in this one and the driver had on the baseball game between Korea and Cuba. The two countries were fighting it out for the gold.

My cab driver seemed distressed. Cuba had hit a home run and this upset the driver. I told him it would be okay, and that Korea would pull through. I'm sure he didn't understand a word coming out of my mouth, but he probably understood from the tone of my voice that I still had hope.

That cab ride was the scariest cab ride I've had yet. The driver definitely seemed to be more concerned about the game than the road in front of him. His head would shift from looking straight ahead to looking at the flat-screen on his dashboard to check if anyone had gotten out. I was happy to reach my destination safely. I think before leaving the cab I told him "Go Korea!" or something. I wish I could have spent a longer time in that cab. Although, instead of moving I would have preferred just being stopped at the red light or heavy traffic for an hour and watching the game with the nice cab driver. Korea ended up winning and getting the gold. It made me pretty happy.

I've had a pretty lazy weekend. I went on my first real shopping expedition yesterday. I went to an underground mall named, Daehyun. The mall is in Hapsungdong, which is this busy part of Masan. I did some good bargaining at some stores and scored a few deals. I like shopping here since it's more of a challenge because of the language barrier. When you do find something you like and something that fits properly, it feels much sweeter.

This is part of the underground mall. It's stretches out for a while.

This is one of the entrances to the mall from above ground.

Sunday night was spent shopping for some groceries the the local grocery store here called Top Mart. Koreans pronounce it TAAP-MATEUH. I like saying taap-mateuh as well now. It just sounds cool. Anyways, I got a few Korean ingredients that I'm going to try and make some Korean dishes with. I came across this package in the seafood section. There are a lot of odd creatures in that section. I'm guessing this is just dried squid.


mammola said...

Are you another person living in korea now?

Trishna said...

Not as far as I can tell.