My favorite student, Ji Yoon, came in the other day saying she wanted to be the teacher for the day. It was after lunch and I was finished with all my classes for the day, so I told her she can have at it. My classroom was her domain now and she could teach her friends as she pleased. The clip below is five minutes of her imitating me to the best of her ability. I'm sure she would have continued longer, but the bell rang and they were all going to be late to class.
All I have to say is she is quite possibly the most adorable kid I've ever known. I hope you enjoy.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Jinju's Fortress
This weekend Nolan and I decided ed to explore Jinju. It's an hour away from Changwon. We really went with no plan, no itinerary of any sort. We left our home with no directions nor any names of places we should visit. We got to the bus terminal and caught the next bus to the city. We got off after an hour and found what has now become quite a familiar site for us in Korea. Narrow roadways filled with street stalls. Vendors selling their vegetables and street foods.
After grabbing lunch we went into a PC room, which are ubiquitous in any Korean neighborhood you end up in. We did some googling and decided we wanted to visit the Jinjuseong Castle, which is the Fortress.
The Fortress was by the Nam River. There were a lot of boat peddlers out on the river. You can see a cute couple here in their duckie-mobile.
Here's some other nice views of the Nam River. The river runs right through the city, dividing it in half.
The fortress used to guard the Jeolla province.

I don't know who this man is, but he was looking pretty fierce in his warrior stance.
The fortress was also surrounded by cannon over looking the city. This is me being super excited about all the possible ammunition that once shot through these things.
Night fell as we toured more and more of the fortress. This is a view from the opposite side of the wall. You can see the yellow glowing E-mart (The Korean Wal-Mart) sign in the middle.
After making our way through the Fortress we stopped into a shop named, Silkian. Jinju is known for its silk production as well. There were a lot of beautiful scarves and trinkets of all sorts to purchase. We got a few gifts and headed back towards the bus terminal. It was a pretty good trip considering we hadn't planned a single step beforehand.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Teacher email send
My week has been pretty insane, I'll bring you some pictures from the open classes I've been teaching this week. My fellow teachers were invited to see what my coteachers and I have been teaching our adorable students. The pictures should be up soon. So needless to say, I've had a pretty busy week planning and preparing for these special lessons. I was checking my mail at the end of the day and found this in my inbox. Another e-mail from one of my students. It makes little to no sense. It's fun finding these when you are absolutely exhausted and you can't even begin to think about what they are trying to say.
Teacher hello~
my name is emily
teacher email send
endlish camp finish next witing no
it very short...
thank you..
I love you~♥
from. emily
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Seoul round two
I should have written this two weeks ago when everything was fresher in my mind, but work started up again, and laziness set in. I'll write about as much as I can remember. After visiting Namsan Tower it was dinner time. We made our way out of the cable car station down onto the main street. We weren't really sure of where the train station was, and the walk back to the main part of town was a couple of kilometers, and we were exhausted from our trek up the mountain the entire day. This cab driver approached us and we asked him where the train station was. He cajoled us into getting into his taxi-van. Cabs in Korea tend to be pretty cheap. But this man's meter was running a mile a minute, and he took us the most round about way he could to Seoul Station. I was pretty pissed off at him. When we finally did reach the train station we made our way to the Itaewon stop.
Itaewon is known as USA street. I think a more fitting name would have been International street. There are a lot of foreigners and shops for most everything you'd want. It was weird stepping into Itaewon. I could understand everyone's conversation. I had to be careful what I was saying because other people could understand me too. Part of me felt like I wasn't in Korea anymore, but rather a college town with much older people.
I have to say, this trip to Seoul was the first time that I actually felt like a tourist in Korea. Even when I first arrived to Changwon I didn't feel like a tourist. I felt more like a lost fish in a big ocean full of people that didn't speak my language, but definitely not a tourist. When I go exploring in Changwon and Masan I'm exploring my own domain. But, walking around the streets of Seoul and in places like Itaewon I certainly did not feel like I belonged there.
I don't think I'd ever want to live in a place like Itaewon while living abroad. It seems pointless to me to go live in a foreign country such as Korea and live in a neighborhood where the things that make Korea, Korea are pretty much non-existent.
Here's a pretty back alley way we stumbled into while looking for a bookstore in Itaewon. We never did find that bookstore but we found a bunch of good places to eat. I will say the one thing Itaewon had going for it were all the places you could eat out. We settled on a place called Thai Orchid because both Nolan and I are pretty big fans of Thai food and we hadn't had any since arriving to Korea.
Yupp, it was all yummy in our tummies.
After dinner we did a bit more wandering. The later it got the more crowded the streets seemed, swarming with inebriated English speakers.
The next day we decided we wanted to head back a little early so that we would make it back home at a decent hour. We grabbed lunch at a Moroccan place named, Marrakesh Night's. It was complete with hookahs and authentic couscous.
This was one of the things we ordered. I forgot the name, but as all the food we'd had during our stay in Seoul it was just as delicious.
We got back Saturday night, and spent Sunday drinking coffee and reading the entire day. Pretty relaxing, oh and then there is this.
In between our coffee drinking, and reading, we like to pop into the arcade from time to time and shoot zombies. I took this picture after a zombie had killed me and I was no longer of any use. There's always one or two kids that come watch in awe as we shoot at our enemies.
I have to say, this trip to Seoul was the first time that I actually felt like a tourist in Korea. Even when I first arrived to Changwon I didn't feel like a tourist. I felt more like a lost fish in a big ocean full of people that didn't speak my language, but definitely not a tourist. When I go exploring in Changwon and Masan I'm exploring my own domain. But, walking around the streets of Seoul and in places like Itaewon I certainly did not feel like I belonged there.
I don't think I'd ever want to live in a place like Itaewon while living abroad. It seems pointless to me to go live in a foreign country such as Korea and live in a neighborhood where the things that make Korea, Korea are pretty much non-existent.
After dinner we did a bit more wandering. The later it got the more crowded the streets seemed, swarming with inebriated English speakers.
The next day we decided we wanted to head back a little early so that we would make it back home at a decent hour. We grabbed lunch at a Moroccan place named, Marrakesh Night's. It was complete with hookahs and authentic couscous.
We got back Saturday night, and spent Sunday drinking coffee and reading the entire day. Pretty relaxing, oh and then there is this.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Finally, some Seoul
I would have brought this to you a lot sooner. However, all this traveling has taken its toll and I've been sick.

I finally got the chance to make it up to the heart of Korea, otherwise known as Seoul. It's a five hour bus ride from Changwon, thanks to the traffic. Just to give you an idea where I was going from and to -- here's is a map. I journeyed all the way from Changwon which is the red circle at the bottom, to the circle at the top of the map. Nolan and I left right after work on Thursday. After an entire day of dealing with kids, the five hour bus ride was actually a welcomed treat. I got to finish up the book I was reading, Life of Pi (which if you haven't read, yet, you should), and I got to listen to some RadioLab along the way (one of my favorite podcasts, here's a link to their website,
I'd start with the Morality episode. It's the one I started off with, and it had me hooked ever since.)

We were starving the minute we got off the bus, an hour or so later after finding our destination and settling into our quarters I think we were ready to eat just about anything.
We befriended some other people that had just arrived at the hostel shortly after us. We went with our new friends to wander the streets and find a place to eat. We found a bunch a restaurants open. Don't forget we were wandering the streets at midnight in search of dinner. We settled on this outdoor place where we had Samgyeopsal.

Here's us enjoying our midnight meal along with some soju.
This was our food that we all helped devour.

This was the cool Korean man that helped us grill our meat, because we certainly don't know how long to keep it on there.

The next morning it was just Nolan and I armed with a Lonely Planet guidebook. It's is an excellent companion for any traveler. That book has come in handy numerous time when we've been out searching for hostels or other popular locales in other cities.
After thumbing through the pages we settled on visiting the North Seoul tower. Before heading to the train station we stopped in at a place called the Persian Palace to have some lunch. This was by far my favorite part of visiting Seoul. All the food! Any kind you wanted from any country.
We followed the camels all the way into the Persian Palace.
This was our food. I forgot what Nolan got, but his thing is in the genie lamp. All I can tell you is that it had chicken in it. I got shami kebab. I have to say we were both pleased with our meal. We don't really get many places to have ethnic food out in Changwon, unless we take a trip to Busan which is about 40 minutes away. After we stuffed ourselves with delicious food we made our way to the tower.
We took the train to Seoul station.
But, I do happen to know that this is Li Si-Yeong, and he is a Korean independence movement leader.
Here's a neat clip of magnetic fluid.
So we got back on track to go to the top of N Seoul Tower.
Straight ahead of the ostrich was this.
We finally made it up to the top of the tower.
After making it out of the tower we rode the cable car down from the mountain.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
My favorites before their field trip

These are two of the boys in the class. I'm sorry I cannot tell you their names, because I forgot. I feel horrible. They insisted on not being in the picture with the rest of the girls. Anyways, it'll be interesting to hear what they did on their field trip once they get back.
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