Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My favorites before their field trip

I came into school this morning and Jhi-Yoon came up to me, she was struggling to find the right words.  I could tell she was trying her hardest to get out the correct words.  And finally she spurted out "Teacher I'm jealous."  I asked her why?  She  explained to me she was jealous that she could not spend time with me today or tomorrow.  Usually,  it's Jhi-Yoon along with 5 others, who are students I get to see everyday --  in the morning, after lunch, and after school in addition to when they are in my class.  But today all the fifth and fourth graders are off to Hapcheon.  The sixth graders are in Seoul for the next three days.  My teachers invited me on this field trip but I opted not to go because I already made plans to go to Seoul Thursday, right after school.  Friday is a national holiday here.  Some of my girls were pretty bummed out that I wasn't going.  That's them posing for a picture right before loading onto the bus.  I told them to take lots of pictures for me.  I also made them promise that they'd tell me all the fun things they did when they got back in class next week.  We'll see how well that goes over.

These are two of the boys in the class.  I'm sorry I cannot tell you their names, because I forgot.  I feel horrible.  They insisted on not being in the picture with the rest of the girls.  Anyways, it'll be interesting to hear what they did on their field trip once they get back.  

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