Saturday, July 12, 2008

Thank God for PC Cafes

So I'm in Korea without a phone and a laptop that does not work because the stupid adaptor I bought is a peice of shit. I'm never going to Best Buy again -- once I return to the states that is. Other than that my experience here so far has been quite an adventure. The first day a Korean girl showed up at my door and took me to the Minsitry of Education. You'd think they would send someone that knew a little English, but no. We played charades in the car the entire time. She was very nice and after about five minutes we discovered a common thread -- Grey's Anatomy. I was so jetlagged on Thursday, but being at the school was awesome. All the kids are eager to speak the little bit of English that they know. Even if that means asking me "Do you like spring?" My co-teacher Soon-Euh informed me, that was just a new expression they learned. It's kind of crazy getting mobbed be a gaggle of Korean kids throwing Hi, Hellos, and Nice to Meet You every time you walk through the hallways. Eating lunch has become a bit of a spectacle too -- they either come up and talk, or stare.

I chatted with a group of kids yesterday after class and they were the best of the bunch. They wanted me to memorize their names, which at this point is impossible. Maybe, with some time I'll start to remember them, but they all sound the same to me. There was one boy who desperatley wanted me to remember his name. I couldn't so I started calling him handsom boy,
which made him blush and all the girls giggled. Korean girls giggle a lot, I always thought I did but they've got me beat.

Aside from all the school stuff, I've been exploring my town after school. Yesterday I went searching for a PC cafe and had to ask a man in broken Korean where to find one. I'm sure he thought I was crazy. I finally found one after walking for a good bit. There are a tons of resturants everywhere I turn. I'm supposed to call my new friend Lindsay in a bit so we can make dinner plans for tonight. Giving her directions to my place is going to be a challenge since I have no idea where the heck I live in relation to anything else.

Anyways, as soon as I get an adaptor and my internet up and running I will post pictures. Lots of pictures.


LRsMom said...

Sounds wonderful. I'm envious. Things are the same here: Madonna is up to her sexy ways; Jesse Jackson is saying naughty things into hot mics; and Travis is trash talking Obama.

Find a Mellow Mushroom and all will be well.


Anonymous said...

Yay, I'm glad that you are there safely. I miss you already!


Trishna said...

Sadly, there are no Mellow Mushrooms here, but I did manage to find the TGIFriday's.