Monday, September 29, 2008

Korea's Jurrassic Park

Okay it's not exactly Jurrassic Park.  It's Goseong's Sangjokan county park,  and as the website says, it's "land of dinosaur".
I visited the park over the weekend with Zoe and Nolan.
Before we even got to the actual park we got a little taste of dinosaurs in the cab ride. The cab driver realized we were going to Sanjokam Park and wanted to show us what we could expect. This is what we got.
Once he dropped us off at the park we made our way through the museum, saw a short 15 minute 3-dimensional flick about dinosaurs, and made our way down to the tracks.
The park has fossilized dinosaur footprints.  It's a beautiful place to visit.  It has gorgeous cliffs, and huge boulders along the edge of the water.  
But, back to the cool stuff --  dinosaurs!  I was reading somewhere that the footprints are from the  Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic Era.  That would put the footprints being from 145 to 65.5 million years ago.  I think that's mind blowing!  Usually when people throw these numbers around I rarely ever think about it.  They're just numbers to me.  But when you have footprints right before you from that long ago and try to wrap your head around it, it's really something else.
Yupp, those are dino tracks.
This is a nice view from the top of the stair case that was leading us down to the tracks.  You can see the footprints from here too.
This is the landscape the surrounds the area.  Huge rocks and cliffs.This is taken from inside one of the cave.  Those are kids rowing out in the middle of the water.

This is just another great view. Before I move on from the dinosaur trip. I have one more clip to show.  Inside the museum there is a little game where you try to outrun dinos.  You get a score at the end, but we never figured out how the scoring system worked.  Anyways this is Nolan putting forth his best, so the dinos don't catch him.  
I think he was a little disappointed with his score.

On another random note that has nothing to do with dinosaurs I have a clip of Jhi-Yoon.  She was too shy to talk while the video was on, but she wasn't shy enough the do this little jig for the camera.
  I'll see if I can get her to talk a little more.  She's really smart.  As soon as I turned the camera off, she started telling me about her favorite Japanese baseball team.


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